One of your biggest fears as you contemplate your post-divorce life might be how you are going to make it financially. This is understandable since most people are going to struggle going from two incomes to one.
Property division and alimony are usually two of the biggest financial issues in any Florida divorce. There are various types of alimony, also known as spousal support, in Florida, and the type of alimony you may receive depends on various factors.
How alimony is paid
Alimony can be awarded for different lengths of time. It can be paid as one lump sum payment or in smaller payments over time, such as monthly or semi-monthly.
There are different types of short-term alimony designed to help people get back on their feet after a divorce. There is also permanent alimony, which is an amount paid to you monthly or semi-monthly until you either remarry or pass away.
While permanent alimony used to be more common in the past, it is not likely to be awarded today unless certain factors are present.
The length of your marriage
Some of these factors include age and the length of your marriage. If you and your spouse were married for two years, it is hard for a court to justify your spouse paying you a monthly sum for the rest of your life.
However, if you have been married for several decades, you have had more time to become accustomed to the financial lifestyle you are living, and this could increase your chance of receiving permanent alimony.
Age as a factor
Additionally, the intent of short-term alimony is to provide the receiving spouse with financial stability until they can get a job, gain career skills or otherwise develop the ability to provide for themselves.
Depending on your age, these may not be realistic options. If you are a few years away from retirement age, permanent alimony generally makes more sense.
Divorce attorneys can evaluate your situation and give you realistic advice on your chance of receiving alimony, and what type.